FFA Alumni & Supporters

FFA Alumni Association​ - ​Lyman Hall Chapter

Our Lyman Hall FFA program has become an outstanding leader in the industry and it was built with love and dedication from our amazing teachers and alumni volunteers throughout the past and present.

Let's help support those teachers, the students, the FFA and a program that we know and deeply love.  Join the Lyman Hall Chapter and support something you know and love!

Don't know about us? We can talk your ear off on how amazing this high school agriculture program is, a state of the art experience and a wonderful opportunity for our youth.

The group is open to anyone who supports the FFA Chapter and you do not need to have been an FFA Member while you were in high school.

Adult membership is open to anyone who is interested in supporting and promoting agriculture, agricultural education and the FFA at the local, state and national level.
If you are proud of FFA and want to help local FFA members acquire knowledge and experience from agricultural education and FFA activities- becoming an adult member is for you! FFA advisors and members all across the country rely on volunteers to help support their chapters through the gifts of time, talent and resources in order to gain community support and give teachers more time and freedom to do what they do best – teach students. 
Join us and give back your skills, starting at the local level.

To learn more and join, visit www.ffa.org/alumni-and-supporters/
EMAIL US AT:  lhhsffaalumni@gmail.com
Follow us on Facebook @LymanHallFFAAlumniandSupporters

Benefits of a Farm Education: Leadership and Personal Growth

Visit www.ffa.org/alumni-and-supporters/to learn more about the FFA Alumni & Supporters group and become a member.